Join our sustainable activities!

We are aware of the importance of sustainability and care for people and the environment. Every decision made within Notiz Hotel in Leeuwarden and Restaurant Wannee is based on our four basic principles: quality, sustainability, innovation, and culture. 

Notiz Hotel has already many practices that are being operated to become more environmentally responsible. As a result, the hotel has been awarded the Golden Green Key quality award for the ninth time consequently. This indicates that as a hotel we do more in the field of sustainability than what the law requires of us.

How to participate in our sustainable activities? 

1. Electricity

We invite you to mind the usage of electricity. We believe it is important to be aware of the impact that small gestures can have on the environment. When in the room, please ensure that only necessary lights are turned on. When you leave the room, please ensure that the key is not in the light pocket.

2. Towel reuse

The towels will only be replaced when they are left on the floor. If you would like to reuse your towels, please hang them. This helps in reducing carbon footprint, water usage, as well as electricity produced by washing machines used by one-time towel usage. 

3. Saving water

We encourage you to turn the water off during activities like brushing your teeth, washing your hair, or other excess water actions. 

Together we strive for a better environment/future-proof climate.